Position Title
Dean, School of Education
Tom Smith joined UC Davis in June 2024 as its dean of the School of Education. He is a highly accomplished researcher, educator, and leader with more than 30 years of experience in education, and has held several leadership roles at UC Riverside, including interim provost and executive vice chancellor, dean of the Graduate School of Education, and interim vice chancellor for Student Affairs. Prior to joining UC Davis, he was a professor of public policy and education in Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College.
Smith’s research focuses on partnering with schools and districts to improve student learning and college and career readiness. He is currently collaborating with researchers at Vanderbilt, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, and the University of Washington and practitioners in San Francisco to develop, test, and implement a system of practical measures and routines for instructional improvement in mathematics (PMR2). He is also Co-PI of the California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network, working with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education to develop a state-wide data system to follow individuals who earn a teaching credential from their teacher education program through their experiences in the teaching workforce.
Smith holds a Bachelor of Arts in economics from UCLA, a Master of Arts in economics from Columbia University, a Master of Arts in sociology from Catholic University of America, and a Ph.D. in educational theory and policy from Pennsylvania State University.